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Assisting Rural Communities

Build GIS Capacity

For Next Generation 9-1-1

Building GIS Capacity in Small Towns and Rural Areas


Geodata Services specializes in  geographic information system services and building web maps and applications.  Ou specialty is Next Generation 9-1-1.  We conduct geospatial analysis ranging from simple to complex.

We also train and enable our clients to publish their own web maps and applications within their organization and for the public using ArcGIS Online from Esri.


ArcGIS Online is more than web maps, it is also an entire scalable ecosystem of geospatial software, analytic tools and authoritative data at scales ranging from local to global.


We have provided GIS Services and training for many years and conducted hundreds of projects in varied fields.  

We started in natural resource mapping in 1993 and have expanded to many disciplines including community planning, health and human resources, public safety and local government infrastructure.  

We typically work with smaller organizations, businesses and local governments providing scalable GIS solutions.


We provide web maps and applications for clients and we enable them to create their own.

We can assist in creating and hosting story maps, turn spreadsheet data into map content, research and locate data sources from local, state, and federal sources.  

We can utilize the tools we license ourselves to create maps and standardized reports for more than 15,000 data variables and report on custom areas of interest provided by clients.


Geodata Services was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in Missoula, Montana in the heart of the Northern Rockies.  Ken Wall, President of Geodata Services, Inc. is a CTT+ certified Technical Trainer and a gold level CommunityViz consultant.​


P.O. Box 8081

Missoula, Montana 59807

Tel: 406-203-4684

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© 2019 by Geodata Services, Inc.

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